How to Deal With Gum Disease Symptoms

August 1, 2019
How to Deal With Gum Disease Symptoms

Most people are aware of what they must do for keeping their smile healthy and the routine consists of brush, floss, and visiting the dentist in every 6 months for cleaning and examination. It’s the key for fighting tooth decay, but your dental health includes your gums too, as you need to take proper care of them just the same.

All of us have bacteria in our mouth, but when these cavity causing bacteria increase in number, they can irritate your gums and lead to infection, which is known as gum disease. Ignoring signs of gum disease can lead to tooth loss.

Signs to Look For

There are two stages of gum disease– gingivitis and periodontitis. While gingivitis is an early sign of gum disease, periodontitis is an advanced stage of gum disease. Gingivitis happens when plaque irritates your gums. However, in periodontitis the issues progress and begin to affect your teeth and breathe.

There are some common symptoms that you need to look out for so that you can get treatment in time.

  • Swollen Gums are a sign that you are suffering from gum disease. Plaque and bacteria can irritate your gums and cause tenderness and swelling. The gums can also get discolored and look darker than normal.
  • When the gum tissues get harmed, they begin to pull away from the teeth. If your teeth appear longer than before, the gums have probably moved.
  • If your gums are infected, they will easily bleed when you brush and it is a sign of gum disease.
  • Another sign of gum disease is the harmful bacteria, which can infect your gum tissues says dentist near me.
  • When the infected and irritated gums pull away from teeth that begin to feel a little loose.

Gum Disease Treatment

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, you need to see a dental professional in Pearland who can help in diagnosis and treatment of your underlying issue. If basic treatment doesn’t work, scaling and root planing may help in treating the advanced cases of gum disease.

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